What Is The Software Development Life Cycle

What Is The Software Development Life Cycle

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process used by the software industry to design, develop and test high-quality software. This framework defines tasks performed at each step in the development process.

A well-structured flow of phases makes (Software Development Lifecycle) SDLC the process that produces software with the highest quality and lowest cost in the shortest time. Here are the stages and best practices of SDLC.

Stages and Best Practices

Following the best practices and/or stages of SDLC ensures the process works in a smooth, efficient, and productive way.

Identify Your Problems 

Asking what the problems are is a part of the current stage in the software development life cycle. This includes getting input from all stakeholders including customers, salespeople, and industry experts to get an understanding of strengths and weaknesses as well improvement goals.


In the “What do we want?” stage of the SDLC, a team determines both the cost and resources required for implementing requirements that have been analyzed. The sub-plans are made to soften risks involved with implementation as well.

The feasibility of the project is also determined, including how it can be implemented successfully while minimizing risk factors in mind


When a project’s stakeholders are involved, the Design Specification stage is crucial. Stakeholders provide input and feedback through reviews of this plan for success in creating software that has been designed according to specifications. Failure at this phase will result in cost overruns or even failure of the entire project because it does not meet all requirements from users who have entrusted their data with you!


“Let’s create what we want.”

A way to make your team’s coding process more effective is by establishing proper guidelines at the start of development. For example, define a nomenclature for files or create an established variable naming style such as camelCase so that it will be easier for you and other developers to produce organized code with consistent practices while also making testing during later stages less stressful.

Code Test

In this stage, we test for defects and deficiencies. We fix those issues until the product meets all of its original specifications. In short, our goal is to verify if the code meets defined requirements.

Software Deployment

At this stage, the goal is to deploy software so users can start using it. However many organizations choose different deployment environments such as a testing or staging environment instead. This allows any stakeholders to safely play with and test out the product before releasing it into production for real use by customers; besides you would be able to detect any final mistakes in time!

Do you want to know about the common mistakes that people made while choosing small business software, then click here: 7 common mistakes when choosing small business software


What is meant by software development life cycle?

A Software Development Life Cycle is a process used by the software industry to design, develop and test high-quality software. It was first defined in 1970 as an approach called the Spiral Model which defines tasks performed at each step of the development process iteratively with constant evaluation.

What are the 7 phases of SDLC?

The seven phases of SDLC are planning, analysis, design, development, testing implementation, and maintenance.

Which SDLC model is best?

Agile is the best SDLC for RnF Technologies. It’s extremely adaptive and different from all other models which make it stand out in a crowd of many popular methodologies such as Waterfall, Iterative Model, etc.

Who is the best person to detect a software defect?

A business analyst is the best person to catch a defect because they are responsible for gathering requirements, and should know what information will be needed in testing.

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