What are the Advantages of Telemedicine?

What are the Advantages of Telemedicine?
Image from Pexels: Telemedicine

Telemedicine is a definite gamechanger in the multi-billion-dollar healthcare industry. Especially in today’s landscape, this practice is timely in such a way that it allows healthcare providers to address certain issues and improve their patients’ access to quality care in a more convenient way.

Terrence Sims, the President and COO of Raintree Systems, believes that telehealth and integrated Practice Management and Electronic Medical Record (EMR) software programs led a dramatic shift in the way health professionals work remotely. This involves anything from patient engagement, to third-party administrators communication, to insurance companies arrangement, among others.

For Sims, it’s important for the industry to continue incorporating telemedicine in the practice. Not only can it help leverage professionals’ capabilities, it can also further advance their mission to efficiently deliver proper healthcare to all who need it, regardless of where they are geographically.

To truly grasp the advantages of telemedicine, we’ve talked to other experts in the field and asked them about their opinions on the subject. Here are some of their responses:

Prevents the Spread of Infectious Diseases

Medical practitioners can implement this in their practice through regular time slots in order to communicate with their patients without the need to be physically present. The benefits of telemedicine is that if any diseases diagnosed are contagious, there’s a much lower risk of spreading to others as the patient is communicating with the doctor remotely. On the other hand, the drawbacks are that the doctors can’t be certain that the diagnosis is 100% correct as they can’t physically examine the patient. They rely on the information provided by the patient and from what they can hear or see for themselves. Due to the worldwide pandemic, telemedicine can be practiced on a more regular basis, the solution may be there, however it needs to be accessible for all.

– Dr. Giuseppe Aragona, M.D., General Practitioner, Prescription Doctor

Saves Time and Money

Our specialty is straightening teeth to create your dream smile at a 60% reduction compared to normal. By using our award-winning app and patented technology, the process can be done from home meaning 90% less clinic visits are required saving patients time and money travelling. This is especially relevant during these times of uncertainty due to COVID-19. Considering that many patients are wary of visiting dental clinics, our secure and regulated remote service is a valuable resource.

– Dr. Kian Dhinsa, D.M.D., Dentist, Tooth Fairy

Helps Patients Who Require Specialized Consultations

It’s especially important in a situation when the patient needs highly specialized experts from some narrow fields. For doctors this means remote work, including description of test results, that helps to save lives, time, and money, increasing efficiency in the process. If the patient has a chronic disease, the hospital can conduct remote monitoring of his or her health parameters using online consultations and interconnected medical devices. The platform’s algorithm can collect and analyze all the incoming health data in the dynamics. Visualization of the data encourages the patient to follow the treatment regimen and increases their involvement in the treatment process. Moreover, there’s an SOS signal function for manual or automatic emergency call when there’s a dramatic change of health parameters. For elderly people it’s useful to set up automatic reminders for taking medication in the telehealth app or provide permanent access to their location to relatives or other trusted persons. The hospital can implement marketing tools, medical services quality monitoring and doctors rating based on patients’ online reviews. Some of these functions were used in our Seekmed app.

– Alexey Rybakov, CEO, Omega

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