Why Do Small Businesses Need to Invest in Video Marketing

Why Do Small Businesses Need to Invest in Video Marketing

Running a small business plan is not an easy task. It requires effort, patience, perseverance, and a lot of strategic thinking. You must be on top of new trends and should be in a position to incorporate those into your business. Video marketing is a highly relevant topic in the current circumstances and can boost your business prospects.

In a scenario when social media is becoming pivotal to every business’s marketing strategy, it is imperative that video marketing is given due attention. When done correctly, video marketing can offer unmatched traction with the audience. This blog seeks to enumerate why small businesses need to invest in video marketing.

Relevance of Video Marketing for Small Business

When executing video marketing, any business can derive two-fold benefits. Firstly, it helps promote the parent brand, and secondly, it helps the customer get acquainted with the product and services. This approach is instrumental for getting a wider reach that translates into sales.

1. Rank Higher on Search

After transferring YouTube ownership to Google, the parent company has evoked many measures that favor businesses that utilize videos in their marketing strategy. For instance, the presence of a video on your website can increase the chances of ranking higher on Google. This is even more crucial since the chances of ranking on the first page become a sheer possibility. And it is a known fact that generally, users do not go past the first page of SERP.

2. Improves Product Understanding

In order to get across to the customer, the product or service must be understood by them. This becomes even more relevant when the product is relatively difficult to understand. In this case, utilizing a medium like a video helps ease the hurdle by making the audience understand the product in a well-suited manner. This could be helpful in the process of getting a quality video. Interestingly, research suggests that most customers across the globe buy a product based on their experience watching the product in action in a video.

3. Caters to the Audience’s Demand

About half of the audience confesses that watching videos is the main reason for them to use the internet. 86% of the same audience also concurs they would like to see more videos from brands. Of these, 36% look forward to seeing explainer videos, and 14% are eager to watch product demos. This kind of outlook clarifies that there is a mandate for the video that small businesses must pay attention to.

 4. Boosts Email Click-throughs

Latest surveys suggest that including video during market outreach can earn the business 3x more responses. That being said, the idea here is not to embed the video into the email. This is likely counterproductive as large video files can get filtered into spam folders. Instead, include the video as a thumbnail inside the email body for users to click and be redirected to your website or landing page. Small business marketers can even set the video on auto-play to enhance the chances of the video getting seen. When editing your videos, use an online video editor for the best results.

5. Develops Strong Brand Affiliation

Watching a video is an immersive sensory experience, where both the auditory and visual senses are completely taken over, depending on the quality of the video. This means the audience is more engaged when watching a video. Such engagement can organically translate into strong brand affiliations and increased interest in watching content from the same brand. This is pivotal for small businesses that always seek brand recognition and repeat customers. A recent survey suggested that video helps convert better than any other form of content out there.

6. Low Barrier to Entry

A lot of small businesses that are eager to make marketing videos are held back. This is because of the prevailing myth that making videos is an expensive affair that requires high-end equipment and expensive editing software. To put things in perspective, this is not the case as small businesses can start their video journey with a 1080p smartphone camera and utilize one of those free editing software that is easily available. After getting some experience, you can try matching the quality of videos put out by the big brands. For creating videos with a professional touch, utilize online video editors.

 7. Possibility for Low Touch Education Videos

A small business really does not require a big team to excel at video marketing. Making inexpensive but high-on-content videos will help educate the audience and help prospects better on their buyer’s journey. This can even help take a little pressure off the sales team, which in most cases is likely to be the owners themselves.

 8. Narrate a Better Story

There is simply no better way to reel in the customers than a better story. And the best stories are narrated by the most satisfied and happy customers. Customer testimonials are by far the best attention grabbers. This need not be a complex affair; all you need is to solicit the customer’s permission and ask them to record themselves on their webcam. By all means, even if the video has an “amateurish feel” to it, the more real it is likely to feel. Do the necessary editing and either upload it on YouTube or embed it on your website or landing page.

9. Track Buyer Consumption Patterns

The evolution of video has directly impacted the growth of video metrics. Today, it is easy to track audience viewing time and parts of the video that was found interesting by the viewing audience. Furthermore, if your video platform is integrated into your marketing automation platform like Hubspot. You can get information on individual visitors who viewed your videos. With this information, you can create targeted follow-ups and target visitors who are more likely to buy.

Final Thoughts

This blog would have given you solid ideas on why small businesses need to invest in video marketing. That being said, businesses need to create fresh and relevant content for the viewing audience. At any time, you give them the impression of slacking in your effort, they are likely to switch past your video. Overall, it is the strength of your content that makes you stand out from the clutter.

Gena Jones ensures the work that everyone in the company is putting is of good quality and won't be compromised.